Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is it really better late than never?

Well, I've been convinced to get back to this Learning 2 process, after being well and truly put off by various stumbling blocks.

First step: check over my last step - my bloglines account. I remembered setting up the required 10 newsfeeds, but well, someone said life wasn't meant to be easy! Bloglines wouldn't recognise my password. After having it emailed to me (yup, the same one I had been putting in each time!) I tried again, and bingo! I'm in!

There they are all the time, more feeds than I have time to monitor.

Ok, so I am back in the running, with a weekend coming to catch up (maybe) and no distractions other than my dog, begging to play or go for a walk. We'll see. After all, I'm only 5 weeks behind.